Hebat Semujadi & Selamat

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tonsil - 4 hari dah nampak kesan

Bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepadaNya kerana memakbulkan doa saya supaya setiap pesakit saya sentiasa mendapat kebaikan dari remedi yang saya preskripsikan. Kita hanya berusaha tetapi Allah yang menyembuhkan. Saya sentiasa berpegang kepada konsep selepas berusaha kita berdoa pada yang Maha Esa untuk langkah selanjutnya...

Pada Ahad lepas seorang ibu telah menghubungi saya mengenai anaknya yang menghidap tonsil yang sudah membesar sehingga menghalang pernafasan anaknya yang berumur 8 tahun. Kanak-kanak tersebut sukar bernafas sehingga mulutnya sentiasa terbuka, nafas berbau dan hilang selera makan. Rasa sakit yang membakar dan akan dibedah dalam masa terdekat ini.

Ibu mana yang sanggup melihat anaknya dibedah.. komplikasinya amat tinggi sehingga boleh menyebabkan kerosakkan pada peti suara kanak-kanak tersebut, bagaimana masa depannya ?. Sebagai seorang ibu beliau berusaha untuk mencari alternatif moga-moga anaknya tidak dibedah.

Selepas mendengar penjelasan ibu tersebut saya mencadangkan supaya beliau mencuba BC03 - Tonsilitis , BioTherapy Cell Salt. Kombinasi 3 garam tisu yang telah dikaji untuk merawat Enlarged Tonsils.

Composition: CP3x, FP3x, KM3x
Inflamed tonsils, follicular tonsillitis painful with white coating or greyish white patches on tongue or tonsils, bad breath with loss or lowered appetit

Selepas Magrib hari ini si ibu dengan nada gembira menghubungi saya memberitahu kesan positif selepas empat (4) hari yang terjadi pada anaknya.

"Mulut anak saya sudah tak ternganga dah doktor, bernafas pun katanya dah agak ok . Alhamdulilah doktor. Kawan saya pun anaknya ada tonsil dan dia minta doktor tolong pos padanya BC03 tu. Tapi anak kawan saya tu kerap batuk dan berkahak... perlu ubat (remedi) lain ke doktor"

Saya mencadangkan BC03 dan untuk batuk & kahak , kombinasi lain pula diperlukan ,

Composition: FP3x, KM3x, MP3x, NM6x, NS3x
Indicated in acute inflammatory febrile catarrhal conditions of cough, cold, headache.

Biochemic adalah apa yang terdapat didalam tubuh kita, amat selamat untuk semua peringkat umur malah untuk ibu mengandung juga. Sebagai usaha ... mana lah tau kan kanak-kanak tadi akan sembuh 100% dan tidak perlu dibedah. Saya akan terus berdoa selepas ini.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dua bulan menangis ...kenapa yer?

Bagi perawat tidak kiralah doktor ke pawang ke atau mak bidan tidak ada istilah cuti sebenarnya didalam kamus hidup kami. Sedihkan mendengarnya .... nak buat macam mana kami dah pilih bidang ini dan teruskan dengan hati yang tulus lagi suci untuk melihat orang lain gembira ...ewah-ewah melepas perasaan pula yer. Kami bercuti juga tipu la kalau tak ada langsung kan. Yang kata tak cuti selagi handphone dalam poket ... cuti-cuti pun kene menjawab panggilan atau sms.

Namun ... 1 sms membuat saya bersyukur kerana saya menjadi perawat,

"Pe2 pun sy ucapkan tima kasih sbb u punya remedy tu dapat kurangkan parut itam i yang sgt teruk. ni ada lagi ..tp x seteruk dlu...almost 2 bln i nangis..tp now i dah ok. moga tuhan tambahkan rezeki u amin....."

Amin Yarobalalaminnnnn.... mujur dia tak kata tambahkan isteri hehehe........ gurau-gurau yer kalau yang menghantar sms ni membaca blog ini. SMS tu saya tak edit terus saya copy dari PDA saya ke pc. Walaupun waktu bercuti dapat SMS hati saya seolah-olah dapat cuti selama sebulan kerana terlalu seronok ...dengan IzinNya remedi saya dapat membantu insan yang mengalami rasa rendah diri dan stress akibat dari jerawat.

Gadis yang SMS tu saya cadangkan mengambil BC01 - Acne & Scar, Carmino Cream & Marigold soap dan selepas itu disusuli dengan BC04 - Skin Nutrient with Biochemic Collagen. Dalam 1 bulan jerawat nya berhenti , bintik-bintik hitam berkurangan dan gadis itu kembali mendapat kenyakinan dirinya semula. Sehingga kini dia mengamalkan BC02 - 12 Cell Salt Remedy - Tonic for whole body system untuk mengawal dan mengimbang mineral dan hormon dalam tubuh.

Apa lagi lepas tu saya belanja anak-anak dan isteri makan ikan bakar la kan ..... kerana hati ini suka sangat.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Senarai Remedi Garam Tisu

Produk Kombinasi Khas Untuk Pelbagai Komplikasi Penyakit

  1. BC-01 – Acne & Scar (Jerawat & parut)
  2. BC-02 – 12 Cell Salt – Tonic For Whole Body System
  3. BC-03 – Tonsilitis
  4. BC-04 – Skin Nutrient with Biochemic Collagen
  5. BC-05 – Sinus & Hay Fever (Resdung dan alergik)
  6. BC-06 – Diabetes (Kencing manis)
  7. BC -07 - Leucorrrhoea (Keputihan)
  8. BC-08 - Menstrual Troubles (Masalah haid)
  9. BC-09 - Impotence (Mati pucuk)
  10. BC-10 - Semen Discharged Quickly (Pancutan pra-matang)
  11. BC-11 – Cough, (Batuk)
  12. BC-12 - Cold / Flu (Selsema)
  13. BC13 - Fever (Demam)
  14. BC-14 - Piles (Buasir)
  15. BC-15 – High Blood Pressure (Tekanan darah tinggi)

Senarai di atas hanyalah sebahagian dari kombinasi remedi yang telah siap disediakan sebagai produk. Sekiranya anda mempunyai masalah selain seperti senarai di atas sila hubungi saya untuk preskripsi bagi masalah kesihatan tersebut.

  • Harga : RM80 / 85 Sabah & Sarawak termasuk penghantaran.

  • Cara penggunaan : Penutup botol harus digunakan sebagai alas untuk mengambil tablet , 4 biji bagi dewasa dan 2 biji bagi kanak-kanak. Tablet hendaklah di kemam dan biarkan larut didalam mulut. Jangan kunyah atau telan. 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
  • Directions : Bottle cap should be use as a medium for remedy intake, 4 tablets for adult and 2 tablets for child. Tablet have to dissolve in the mouth not to chew or swallow. 3 times daily before meals.

  • Isikandunga : Di dalam botol biru 40ml. 350-400 biji tablet manis sukrosa, bekalan untuk lebih kurang 4-5 minggu penggunaan/

  • Contents : In blue bottle of 40 ml consist 350-400 sweet sucrose tablet, approximately 4-5 weeks of supply

  • Brunei dan Singapura : Untuk mendapat kelayakkan pos percuma , penduduk Brunei boleh mengguna alamat di Miri atau Limbang, Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Singapura pula bolehlah mengguna alamat di Johor Bahru. Ini akan menjimatkan kos kurier.

Hubungi : 6019-309 89 80 atau email homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com

Thursday, July 16, 2009

BC-04 - Skin Nutrient With Biochemic Collagen

Setelah secara rasmi memperkenalkan BC-01 Acne & Scar yang dipakej dengan Carmino cream dan sabun Marigold telah mendapat sambutan yang amat menakjubkan di mana BC-01 Acne & Scar mendapat pesanan yang tinggi dan email pun sampai lenguh-lenguh jari nak menjawab.

Feedback pun Alhamdulilah semuanya berunsur positif dan memberangsangkan dengan kesan penyembuhan yang amat membanggakan. Kali ini saya memperkenalkan pula BC – 04 Skin Nutrient With Biochemic Collagen yang setara dengan BC - 01 dan amat bagus sekiranya digabungkan kedua-duanya sekaligus atau bersama-sama pakej seperti di atas.

BC – 04 Skin Nutrient With Biochemic Collagen

Kombinasi garam tisu yang terdapat di dalam BC – 04 Skin Nutrient With Biochemic Collagen adalah kombinasi garam tisu yang sangat diperlukan oleh sel kulit apabila radang kulit terjadi seperti jerawat batu yang besar dan merah sehingga selepas itu meninggalkan parut. Muka menjadi berminyak dan kelihatan kusam. Biochemic collagen yang terdapat didalam kombinasi ini akan menjadi sebagai agen pencuci atau penghapus toksik dan hormon yang tidak seimbang didalam sel kulit.

Calcarea Sulp, CS6x mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan infeksi yang lambat untuk sembuh, terjadi discaj bernanah yang pekat berwarna kuning dan spot (kesan seperti bulatan yang keras kadang-kadang berwarna perang atau merah kemerahan) yang terjadi sewaktu proses penyembuhan untuk kembali menjadi sekata dengan warna kulit asal.

Kali Mur, KM6x merupakan Biochemic Collagen untuk kes-kes toksik, alergik, lendir berlebihan dan keadaan penyakit semakin bertambah teruk. KM juga amat baik untuk kes-kes resdung.

Kali Sulp, KS6x bekerja untuk merawat kes bernanah yang cair berwarna kuning, kulit yang bersisik akibat kulit menjadi kering.

Silica atau S30 juga merupakan salah satu kolagen juga, dimana ia digelar sebagai “memaksa toksik untuk keluar” ia mempercepatkan infeksi pada kulit seperti nanah untuk “masak” dan menyembuhkan lalu membina tisu-tisu baru bagi menghilangkan parut-parut. Silica secara semulajadinya boleh didapati didalam kulit, kuku dan tisu-tisu yang bersambung didalam tubuh kita

All of the cell salts in this combination are crucial to the cells involved in skin eruptions, either through skin cells or the cleansing/elimination system. Calcarea Sulp helps eruptions that heal slowly and are plagued by thick yellow discharge, pus and scabs. Kali Mur helps with thick white discharge before it matures to yellow. Kali Sulp assists skin eruptions with watery yellow discharge or peeling dry skin following suppressed skin conditions. Silica the 'pusher outer' of the crew, adds strength when skin has a tendency to suppurate easily with thick yellow pus.

Non Malaysian resident please email : homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com for price and shipment cost

  • Harga : RM80 / 85 Sabah & Sarawak termasuk penghantaran.

  • Cara penggunaan : Penutup botol harus digunakan sebagai alas untuk mengambil tablet , 4 biji bagi dewasa dan 2 biji bagi kanak-kanak. Tablet hendaklah di kemam dan biarkan larut didalam mulut. Jangan kunyah atau telan. 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
  • Directions : Bottle cap should be use as a medium for remedy intake, 4 tablets for adult and 2 tablets for child. Tablet have to dissolve in the mouth not to chew or swallow. 3 times daily before meals.

  • Isikandunga : Di dalam botol biru 40ml. 350-400 biji tablet manis sukrosa, bekalan untuk lebih kurang 4-5 minggu penggunaan/

  • Contents : In blue bottle of 40 ml consist 350-400 sweet sucrose tablet, approximately 4-5 of supply

  • Brunei dan Singapura : Untuk mendapat kelayakkan pos percuma , penduduk Brunei boleh mengguna alamat di Miri atau Limbang, Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Singapura pula bolehlah mengguna alamat di Johor Bahru. Ini akan menjimatkan kos kurier.

Hubungi : 6019-309 89 80 atau email homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com

BC-03 - Untuk Tonsil

BC-03 – Tonsilitis

Indikasi : Tonsil yang rasa panas seperti terbakar, tonsil folikel iaitu yang berbentuk seperti kantung air yang berwarna putih atau keperangan di lidah atau di tonsil. Nafas berbau dan di iringi kehilangan atau selera berkurangan.

Indications: Inflamed tonsils, follicular tonsillitis painful with white coating or greyish white patches on tongue or tonsils, bad breath with loss or lowered appetite

Composition/Komposisi: CP3x, FP3x, KM3x

  • Harga : RM80 / 85 Sabah & Sarawak termasuk penghantaran.

  • Cara penggunaan : Penutup botol harus digunakan sebagai alas untuk mengambil tablet , 4 biji bagi dewasa dan 2 biji bagi kanak-kanak. Tablet hendaklah di kemam dan biarkan larut didalam mulut. Jangan kunyah atau telan. 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
  • Directions : Bottle cap should be use as a medium for remedy intake, 4 tablets for adult and 2 tablets for child. Tablet have to dissolve in the mouth not to chew or swallow. 3 times daily before meals.

  • Isikandunga : Di dalam botol biru 40ml. 350-400 biji tablet manis sukrosa, bekalan untuk lebih kurang 4-5 minggu penggunaan/

  • Contents : In blue bottle of 40 ml consist 350-400 sweet sucrose tablet, approximately 4-5 of supply

  • Brunei dan Singapura : Untuk mendapat kelayakkan pos percuma , penduduk Brunei boleh mengguna alamat di Miri atau Limbang, Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Singapura pula bolehlah mengguna alamat di Johor Bahru. Ini akan menjimatkan kos kurier.

Hubungi : 6019-309 89 80 atau email homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com

BC-01 – Acne & Scar (jerawat & parut)

BC-01 – Acne & Scar (jerawat & parut)

Muka kita secara konsisten bergelut untuk terus berada pada tahap terbaik pada setiap hari kerana sering terdedah kepada pelbagai unsur. Kerap kali muka mengalami kekeringan atau terlalu berminyak, hormon yang tidak menentu kadang-kadang terlalu rendah dan kadang-kadang terlalu tinggi dan selepas itu sering kali bahan-bahan merawat digunakan seperti krim-krim pencuci dan penghapus jerawat yang semakin hari menjadikan kekeliruan kulit muka untuk mentafsir lalu terjadilah jerawat.

BC-01 bertindak membantu kulit muka untuk mendapat tonasi yang sempurna dan menawarkan pengekalan, penyahtoksik dan yang menariknya ia berunsur semulajadi dan diperbuat mengikut bahan-bahan mineral yang terdapat didalam tubuh dan BC-01 menyediakan apa yang sepatutnya kulit muka mendapat zat-zat untuk menyegar, membina tisu-tisu, ,membaiki dan mengembalikan fungsi-fungsi tisu dan hormon pada keadaan asal.

Ketujuh-tujuh remedi homeopathy biochemic ini merupakan kombinasi terbaik untuk membantu merawat jerawat dan parut-parut akibat jerawat

Our faces struggle constantly in the balancing act between exposure and protection, dryness and oiliness, high and low hormone fluctuations... Add all we do to suppress skin eruptions and it could only get more confusing.

By helping the skin fine-tune its basic tools, the cell salts BC-01 offer restorative, cleansing support. Made from the mineral compounds our cells need, the cell salts offer our tissues just what they need to revitalize, grow, repair and function properly.

The seven homeopathic cell salt remedies in this combination are crucial to the cells involved in skin eruptions.

Indikasi: Jerawat, jerawat batu, jerawat sewaktu akhil baligh, parut-parut, tompok-tompok di muka, parut berlubang

Indication: Acne, acne culgaris, rash at puberty , scarring, spot and pitting

Composition/Komposisi : CP3x, FP12x, KM3x, KP3x, NM3x, NP3x, S12x

  • Harga : RM80 / 85 Sabah & Sarawak termasuk penghantaran.

  • Cara penggunaan : Penutup botol harus digunakan sebagai alas untuk mengambil tablet , 4 biji bagi dewasa dan 2 biji bagi kanak-kanak. Tablet hendaklah di kemam dan biarkan larut didalam mulut. Jangan kunyah atau telan. 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
  • Directions : Bottle cap should be use as a medium for remedy intake, 4 tablets for adult and 2 tablets for child. Tablet have to dissolve in the mouth not to chew or swallow. 3 times daily before meals.

  • Isikandunga : Di dalam botol biru 40ml. 350-400 biji tablet manis sukrosa, bekalan untuk lebih kurang 4-5 minggu penggunaan/

  • Contents : In blue bottle of 40 ml consist 350-400 sweet sucrose tablet, approximately 4-5 of supply

  • Brunei dan Singapura : Untuk mendapat kelayakkan pos percuma , penduduk Brunei boleh mengguna alamat di Miri atau Limbang, Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Singapura pula bolehlah mengguna alamat di Johor Bahru. Ini akan menjimatkan kos kurier.

Hubungi : 6019-309 89 80 atau email homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

BC-02 - 12 Cell Salt

BC-02 – 12 Cell Salt – Tonic For Whole Body System (Tonic untuk seluruh sistem tubuh)

Tubuh manusia mempunyai 12 garam tisu , keseimbangan dan bekalan yang betul pada kuantitinya kepada tubuh akan mempastikan kesihatan seseorang itu pada tahap terbaik.

Gangguan atau tidak mendapat bekalan pada kuantiti yang secukupnya akan mencetus “illness” (kesakitan)

Kekurangan zat mineral ini dapat di kembalikan pada tahap yang normal dengan mengambil remedi yang “assimilated form” (bahan yang mudah menyerap) yang akan melalui saluran darah dan bersatu dengan sel-sel.

Indikasi : Membina keseluruhan sistem tubuh dengan membekal nutirisi kepada tisu-tisu, menaik taraf kekuatan antibody dan membantu mengolahkan zat-zat makanan kepada zat-zat yang menyihatkan tubuh. Selamat untuk semua peringkat umur. Tidak ada kesan sampingan yang dikesan.

Indications: It builds up entire system by providing necessary tissue nutrition, improves resistance to diseases, helps better utilization of food

Composition/Komposisi: CP6x, CF6x, CS6x, KP6x, KM6x, KS6x, FP6x, MP6x, NP6x,

  • Harga : RM80 / 85 Sabah & Sarawak termasuk penghantaran.

  • Cara penggunaan : Penutup botol harus digunakan sebagai alas untuk mengambil tablet , 4 biji bagi dewasa dan 2 biji bagi kanak-kanak. Tablet hendaklah di kemam dan biarkan larut didalam mulut. Jangan kunyah atau telan. 3 kali sehari sebelum makan
  • Directions : Bottle cap should be use as a medium for remedy intake, 4 tablets for adult and 2 tablets for child. Tablet have to dissolve in the mouth not to chew or swallow. 3 times daily before meals.

  • Isikandunga : Di dalam botol biru 40ml. 350-400 biji tablet manis sukrosa, bekalan untuk lebih kurang 4-5 minggu penggunaan/

  • Contents : In blue bottle of 40 ml consist 350-400 sweet sucrose tablet, approximately 4-5 of supply

  • Brunei dan Singapura : Untuk mendapat kelayakkan pos percuma , penduduk Brunei boleh mengguna alamat di Miri atau Limbang, Sarawak. Bagi penduduk Singapura pula bolehlah mengguna alamat di Johor Bahru. Ini akan menjimatkan kos kurier.

Hubungi : 6019-309 89 80 atau email homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mineral-Mineral Penting Didalam Tubuh - 12 Garam Tisu

Garam tisu merupakan mineral yang amat penting yang terdapat didalam tubuh manusia. Mula diperkenalkan oleh Dr.W.H. Shuessler yang teleh mengenalpasti 12 garam tisu yang berbeza didalam sel tubuh manusia. Dia juga menyatakan bahawa kekurangan salah satu atau lebih dari garam tisu ini akan menjurus seseorang itu kepada sesuatu penyakit. Setiap garam tisu itu memainkan peranan masing-masing dan kekurangannya akan menimbulkan simptom sesuatu penyakit.

Kombinasi 12 Garam Tisu
Kombinasi istimewa keseluruhan 12 garam tisu ini adalah berdasarkan persediaan yang dicadangkan oleh Dr Schuessler`s biochemic system of medicine. Ia berfungsi untuk mengimbangi mineral-mineral yang terdapat didalam tubuh manusia untuk menjadikan seseoramg itu lebih sihat. Remedi ini merupakan remedi yang hebat untuk bantuan kepada tubuh untuk setiap hari.

Remedi yang berbentuk keadaan semulajadi tubuh ini akan menganalisa mineral-mineral yang berkurangan dan organisma penyebab kepada kepada sesuatu penyakit lalu bertindak menambah kekuatan mekanisma semulajadi pertahanan tubuh untuk melawan kekurangan dan menyahkan simptom-simptom yang akan menjurus sesoarang itu kepada penyakit tertentu. Remedi ini juga merupakan komplimetari terbaik berganding dengan perubatan moden yang berasaskan "drugs" kerana ia boleh bergandingan tanpa masalah.

Apa itu Biochemic atau Garam Tisu ?.

Schuessler mendapat inspirasi untuk mengkaji garam tisu ini setelah seorang Physiologi Belanda , Jacob Moleschott (1812-1893) telah menemui phosphor atau phosphate mempunyai nilai perubatan kepada pada sel saraf otak. Kini para saintis telah mengesahkan bahawa phosphate dibawah nama lecithin adalah bahan perubatan yang sangat efektif untuk membina otak kanak-kanak.

Hasil dari penemuan Moleschott, Schuessler terus membuat konklusi bahawa

missing inorganic mineral salts will cause disruption to the living processes and therefore create illnesses”.

Selepas itu Schuessler terus mengesahkan bahawa ;

A person can only remain healthy as long as he obtains the necessary minerals in the necessary quantity and the correct proportion“ – further stating, “that with Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Ferrum in their compound with Phosphoric acid, Sulfuric acid, and Chloride all illnesses that are curable can be cured with this method.“

Pada tahun 1972 , Biologist Guenther Stahlkopf telah mengesahkan teori mudah Schuessler adalah benar;

  1. Tubuh manusia mempunyai 12 garam tisu , keseimbangan dan bekalan yang betul pada kuantitinya kepada tubuh akan mempastikan kesihatan seseorang itu pada tahap terbaik.
  2. Gangguan atau tidak mendapat bekalan pada kuantiti yang secukupnya akan mencetus “illness” (kesakitan)
  3. Kekurangan zat mineral ini dapat di kembalikan pada tahap yang normal dengan mengambil remedi yang “assimilated form” (bahan yang mudah menyerap) yang akan melalui saluran darah dan bersatu dengan sel-sel.

12 Garam Tisu dan Kebaikannya Kepada Kesihatan

  1. Calc. Fluor.
    Calcium Fluoride

REJUVENATION. Maintains elasticity of tissues. Impaired circulation, over-relaxed conditions, varicose veins, piles, deficient enamel teeth.

MENYEGARKAN. Mengekalkan keanjalan tisu-tisu, pengaliran darah yang lemah, kebas-kebas kaki (varicose veins), buasir, kekurangan enamel gigi.

2. Calc. Phos.
Calcium Phosphate

ITCHING. Constituent of bones, teeth, gastric juices. Impaired digestion, teething troubles, chilblains, simple anaemia.

KEGATALAN. Mewakili sebahagian atau keseluruhan tulang-tulang, gastric, tidak hadam, eczema, masalah pertumbuhan gigi, aneamia yang tidak serius.

3. Calc. Sulph.
Calcium Sulphate

SKIN HEALING. Blood constituent. pimples during adolescence, skin slow to heal, sore lips.

MENYEMBUH PENYAKIT KULIT. Sebahagian atau keseluruhan dari darah, jerawat, jerawat sewaktu akil baligh, masalah kulit yang lambat sembuh, bibir merekah/pecah.

4. Ferr. Phos.
Iron Phosphate

COUGH AND COLD SYMPTOMS. Oxygenates the blood stream. The Biochemic First Aid. Chills, fevers, inflammation, congestion. Rheumatic Pain.

BATUK & SELSEMA. Mengimbang pengaliran oksigen di saluran darah, Ia juga merupakan penawar Biochemic di waktu kecemasan, halangan pada saluran darah, penyakit yang melarat, Rheumatic (sengal-sengal sendi).

5. Kali. Mur.
Potassium Chloride

COUGH, COLDS, RESPIRATORY AILMENTS. In alternation with Ferr. Phos. Blood constituent and conditioner. Children's feverish ailments.

BATUK, SELSEMA, PERNAFASAN: Kali.Mur. boleh diambil berselang seli dengan Ferr.Phos., pelengkap atau menambaik darah, permulaan simptom demam pada kanak-kanak.

6. Kali. Phos.
Potassium Phosphate

NERVOUS TENSION. Nervous exhaustion, nervous indigestion, nervous headaches. Stress due to worry or excitement. Sleeplessness.

SEL OTAK / SEL SARAF: Kepenatan otak, masalah penghadaman, sakit kepala, stress berkaitan dengan terlalu gembira atau kesedihan, tidak dapat tidur nyeyak.

7. Kali. Sulph.
Potassium Sulphate

SKIN CONDITIONER. Skin eruptions with scaling or sticky exudation, falling hair, diseased nails.

UNTUK MASALAH KULIT: Memulihkan maslah kulit yang gatal, beruam, dan kulit nampak berminyak dan kotor, rambut gugur dan penyakit pada kuku.

8. Mag. Phos.
Magnesium Phosphate

CRAMPS. Nerve Stabilizer and Anti-spasmodic. Neuralgia, flatulence, spasmodic nerve pains.

KEKEJANGAN: Penstabil saraf-saraf dan anti ketegangan, untuksakit saraf-saraf, kembung dan perut rasa panas dan kekejangan saraf sesuai untuk sakit otot dan sendi.

9. Nat. Mur.
Sodium Chloride

WATERY COLDS. Dryness or excessive moisture in any part of the body, watery colds, flow of tears, loss of smell or taste.

CAIRAN DALAM TUBUH: Terlalu kering atau terlalu banyak cecair di mana-mana bahagian tubuh, selsema, aliran air mata, atau hilang deria bau rasa.

10. Nat. Phos.
Sodium Phosphate

HEARTBURN. Acid neutralizer. Over-acidity of the blood, gastric disorders, heartburn, rheumatic tendency.

TERASA PANAS DI ULU HATI: Penstabil asid: terlebih acid di dalam darah, masalah gastrik, rasa tidak sedap perut dan simptom ke arah sakit saraf.

11. Nat. Sulph.
Sodium Sulphate

FLU SYMPTOMS. The "liver" salt. Excess water eliminator. Liverish symptoms, bilious attacks, watery infiltrations.

SIMPTOM SELSEMA: Ia merupakan "garam untuk "hati", Membuang cairan lebihan dalam tubuh, masalah hati dan hempedu.

12. Silica
Silicon Dioxide

BLOOD CONDITIONER - HAIR CONDITIONER, CLEANSER, ELIMINATOR. Impure blood, boils, brittle nails, lack-lustre hair, in alternation with Kali. Sulph.

MEMULIH PERJALANAN DARAH - RAMBUT DAN MENGAWAL DAN MENGHILANGKAN:Untuk melancarkan perjalanan darah, memulih penyakit kulit, kuku, rambut yang tidak bermaya dan elok di selang seli dengan Kali. Sulph.

Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu Sebagai Perubatan Lengkap?

Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu dianggap sebagai konsep perubatan pelengkap atau komplimentari kepada perubatan yang sedia ada. Ia saling melengkapi bagi memberi impak positif kepada pesakit yang mengharapkan kesihatan mereka kembali pulih.

Perubatan sedia ada atau konvensional amat diperlukan untuk menangani penyakit akiut (serangan tiba-tiba) seperti serangan jantung dan asthma, sementara Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu sering diambil untuk merawat penyakit kronik(penyakit yang telah dideritai pada masa yang lama). Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu sering menjadi pilihan kepada pesakit kronik kerana menyedari Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu selamat dan tidak mempunyai kesan sampingan. Malah remedi Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu boleh diambil bersama-sama ubat-ubatan yang berasaskan drugs (dadah dan kimia).

Perubatan yang menggunakan drugs mengamal konsep suppression atau put to stop (membenam penyakit dam kesakitan) dan amat berguna sewaktu kecemasan yang memerlukan pesakit dirawat dan melegakan serangan penyakit dengan kadar yang pantas. Namun ia membawa bersama-sama kesan sampingan yang tidak diundang.

Sementara Homeopathy dan Garam Tisu percaya kepada “serupa menyembuhkan yang serupa” dan “seseorang itu akan kekal sihat sekiranya seseorang itu mendapat bekalan mineral (12 garam tisu) pada kuantiti yang sepatutnya dan pada ratio (kadar) yang sepatutnya”. Bila ini terjadi sistem pemulihan semulajadi yang terdapat didalam tubuh

Price : RM80.00 termasuk penghantaran ke seluruh Malaysia / 16.00EUR / 25.00USD

email : homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com or sms 019-3098980

Important mineral in human cells - The 12 Cell Salts

Cell salts are important mineral constituents that are present in human cells. They were first identified by Dr W H Schuessler who noted 12 different tissue salts in all healthy human cells. He also stated that if an imbalance were to occur sickness may follow. Each one of the 12 salts has a certain duty and a deficiency in any one will produce symptoms.


In this special combination all 12 essential cell salts are available in each preparation based on Dr Schuessler`s biochemic system of medicine. These are beneficial for helping the balance of mineral salts throughout the body, for general good health. This remedy is great for daily support yet it is important to remember to emphasis using one of the single tissue salts if specific symptoms still arise (i.e cramping, use Mag Phos or Calc Phos to help restore mineral balance and the cramping)
This natural form of medicine is about – diagnosing which mineral salt(s) are lacking in the organism – establishing the cause – thereby being able to temporarily supplement the required Mineral Salt in order to stimulate the cell system, increasing the organisms own natural defence mechanisms, assisting in the prevention of illness. Furthermore it is a natural and inexpensive remedy which can be an excellent complimentary treatment and moreover is compatible with Allopathic medicine.

#1 CALC FLUOR (Calcium Fluoride)

Cracks in the skin, loss of elasticity, relaxed condition of the veins and arteries, piles, sluggish circulation, loose teeth. Calcium Fluoride helps maintain tissue elasticity and is beneficial for conditions associated with over-relaxed fibres. This would include dilated blood vessels such as with haemorrhoids, enlarged and varicose veins. Calcium Fluoride is also found in the enamel of teeth and bone surfaces. Assists normal blood circulation and the treatment of cracked skin, muscle strain and injured ligaments. It helps strengthen the blood vessels, bones and teeth.

#2 CALC PHOS (Calcium Phosphate)

Anemic state of young girls, blood coagulation problems, blood poverty, imperfect circulation, bone weakness, and rickets. A beneficial influence on digestion and assimilation, Calcium Phosphate is the bone cell salt and is also present in the teeth . It helps the build-up of blood corpuscles and may assist during teething, puberty, convalescence and in later years. It also aids the prevention of muscular cramps and pain during menstruation, especially helpful for younger girls. Beneficial for anaemia, bone diseases, constitutional weakness and ailments that prove obstinate.

#3 (#12) CALC SULPH ( Calcium Sulphate)

Pimples, sore throat, cold, all conditions arising from impurities in the blood. A constituent of connective tissue, mucous membranes and skin. Calcium Sulphate helps clear away accumulations of non-functional decaying matter. This material may otherwise lay dormant or slowly decay and damage surrounding tissue. Calcium Sulphate is beneficial for slow wound healing, during the last stage of suppuration, for pimples, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, abscesses, etc.

#4 (#3) FERRUM PHOS (Phosphate of Iron)

Congestion, inflammatory pain, high temperature, quickened pulse, and lack of red blood corpuscles. Regarded as the "Oxygen Carrier", Phosphate of Iron is beneficial for any inflammatory or feverish condition. Whenever there are ailments arising from disturbed circulation – heat, pains, redness, throbbing, or quickened pulse. Beneficial during the first stage of acute diseases, common cold, bronchitis, respiratory infection, acute rheumatism, etc., Iron assists in maintaining normal body resistance to disease.

#5 (#4) KALI MUR (Potassium Chloride)

Sluggish conditions, catarrhs, sore throat, glandular swelling, white colored tongue, light colored stools, coughs, and colds. Potassium Chloride may assist with the temporary relief of minor respiratory disorders, such as wheeziness and chestiness. It also aids the reduction of mucus congestion curing colds and sinusitis. Potassium Chhloride is beneficial for the lymphatic glands and in problems assoociated with thick white or greyish skin discharges, or where there is glandular swelling. Especially useful for problems such as ulcerated sore throat, tonsilitis, catarrhal infection of the middle ear.
Usually used in conjuction with Ferrum Phosphate

#6 (#5) KALI PHOS ( Potassium Phosphate)

Nervous headaches, lack of pep, ill humor, skin ailments, sleeplessness, depression, timidity, and tantrums. A constituent of nerve and brain cells, Potassium Phosphate is a useful nerve tonic. This tissue salt is indicated in cases where there is stress and tension and nervous symptoms appear. Particularly valuable for emotional irritability, depression, nervousness, children´s tantrums.

#7 (#6) KALI SULPH ( Potassium Sulphate)

Boxed in feeling, intestinal disorders, stomach catarrh, inflammatory conditions, eruptions on the skin and scalp with scaling, shifting pains. Potassium Sulphate works in conjuction with Phosphate of Iron, as an oxygen carrier, to have a beneficial effect on respiratory and circulatory functions. It is also useful for the skin and minor eruptions with scaling or sticky exudation such as with dandruff, chicken pox, etc. Potassium Sulphate may also give relief from catarrhal problems associated with yellowish or greenish discharge. Particularly from the mucous membrances of the nose or vagina. Often used towards the end of a cold, when the discharge is profuse and frequent. Sometimes beneficial for shifting acute rheumatic pains. It opens the pores of the skin, brings blood to the surface and promotes perspiration. For this reason it is often beneficial in alternation with Ferrum Phos. for fever, when the temperature rises in the evening.

#8 (#7) MAG PHOS (Magnesium Phosphate)

Menstrual pains, stomach cramps, flatulence, neuralgia, sciatica, headaches with darting stabs of pain, cramps, muscular twitching. Another mineral element of bones, teeth, brain, nerves, blood and muscle cells. Magnesium Phosphate is beneficial for the treatment of muscular cramps, spasms and minor nerve problems.
It is the chief remedy for complaints of a spasmodic nature, such as in colic, menstruation cramps, palpitations, spasmodic cough, toothache, neuralgia and acute pains in general. Important remedy for baby´s colic. Beneficial in many cases of exhaustion due to emotional upset.

#9 (#8) NAT . MUR (Sodium Chloride)

Low spirits, headaches with constipation, heartburn, tooth ache, hay fever, craving for salt and salty foods, weak eyes. Considered the "Water Salt", Sodium Chloride helps control the degree of moisture in the tissues, and as such is beneficial for temporary relief of conditions such as watery colds, (runny nose and eye watering symptoms) It may also assits with tissue dryness, some cases of constipation and is helpful in certain conditions of backache or digestive distrubances arising from too little acid.

#10 (#9) NAT.PHOS. (Sodium Phosphate)

Stiffness and swelling of the joints, acidic blood conditions, rheumatism, lumbago, worms, golden-yellow coating at root of tongue. Sodium Phosphate helps maintain the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble in the blood. Thus, Sodium Phosphate may help young children who have been fed too much sugar and are suffering from an acid condition of the system. It also aids the temporary relief of gastric indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, intestinal worms, and mild rheumatic tendencies.

#11 (#10) NAT. SULPH (Sodium Sulphate)

Influenza, humid asthma, malaria, liver ailments, brownish green coating of the tongue, bitter taste in mouth. Sodium Sulphate helps balance the amount of water in the tissues and if necessary, eliminates excess fluid. It is a Biochemic aid for the liver, spleen and kidneys. As such, Sodium Sulphate may aid the temporary relief of biliousness, liver troubles, digestive upsets and some influenzya symptoms. Helps dispel languid feelings experienced during humid weather.

#12 (#11) SILICA (Silicon Oxide)

Smelly feet and arm pits, pus formation, abscesses, boils, tonsillitis, brittle nails, stomach pains. A Biochemic Cleanser and elminator, Silicon oxide is part of all connective tissue cells. It promotes suppuration and the discharge of wastes, thereby often initiating the healing process by dispersing potentially harmful accumulates such as with skin eruptions and toxic blood conditions, abscesses, boils, etc. In the first stage of any swelling, Ferr Phos. and Kali Mur should be given, but should these tissue salts fail to check the process, Silica should be taken to ripen the abscess and promote it´s discharge. Silicon Oxide is also beneficial for the normal health and strength of hair and nails.

Price : RM80.00 including shipment throughout Malaysia / 16.00EUR / 25.00USD
Please email to homeopathy@solaris-marketing.com or sms 019-3098980

The 12 Cell Salts


Winner of Two Nobel prizes, Dr. Linus Pauling predicted that the most important advances coming in the 21st century were in the areas of molecular biology, medicine, and biochemistry. His thoughts were along the lines that we would understand the motion of atoms and all their affects on the body better as time went on.

The whole concept was not to generally treat a "disease", it was to look at each individual having a unique blueprint of their own and treating them accordingly. This concept was very similar to the concept of homeopathic medicine fully discovered in Germany two centuries ago.

In Oldenburg, Germany in the early nineteenth Century, Doctor W.H. Schuessler – noted German physiological chemist, homeopathic physician and physicist, felt that the 2000 remedies used during his time could be simplified. Determining that in alot of the remedies the mineral constituents were the active ingredients, he identified 12 "tissue salts", which he located in every human cell. These tissue salts or "Cell salts" are vital mineral constituents of the body. Combining with organic substances in the body to produce and maintain the infinite number of tissue-cells of which the human body is composed. He determined that any cell salt deficiency or imbalance may result in illness – the symptoms varying according to the deficient "biochemic" cell salt. Dr Schuessler found that if the body was lacking in any of these salts, loss of health occurred. However he went on to state that if the deficiency was corrected, the body could in fact, heal itself.

It is important to note that Schuessler`s Biochemic Cell Salts are a valuable microdose cell foods prepared homeopathically in an extremely subdivided form which ensures rapid and easy assimilation, for the speedy restoration of the natural balance of the body system.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Biochemistry And Our Body

Bacaan didalam Bahasa Malaysia boleh dirujuk di sini : http://www.medicine.ukm.my/wiki/index.php/SISTEM_PERUBATAN_BIOKIMIA_(GARAM_TISU_BIOKIMIA)

The idea upon which Biochemic Therapeutics is based is the physiological fact that both the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and proper apportionment of its organic constituents. These remain after combustion of the tissues and form the ashes.

The inorganic constituents are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the body, and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. According to Schussler's theory, any disturbance in the molecular motion of these salts in living issus, caused by a defeciency in the requesite amount, constitutes disease, which can be rectified and the requisite equilibrium re-estabiished by administering the same mineral salts in small quantities. This is supposed to be brought about by virtue of the operation of chemical affinity in the domain of histology; and hence this therapeutic procedure is styled by Schussler the Biochemic method, and stress is laid on the fact that it is in supposed harmony with well-known facts and laws in physiological chemistry and allied sciences.


Blood consiss of water, sugar, fat, albuminous substances, chloride of sodium, chloride of potash, fluoride of lime, silica, iron, lime, magnesia, soda and potash. The latter are combined with phosphoric, carbonic and sulphuric acids.

The salts of soda predominate in the blood plasma, while those of potash are found especially in the blood corpuscles. Sugar, fat, and the albuminous substances are the so-called organic components of the blood, while the above-named salts and water constitute its inorganic components. Sugar and fat are compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, while the albuminous substances contain in addition sulphur and nitrogen.

Sulphnr, carbon and phosphorus are not present within the organism in a free state, but combined with organic substances. Sulphur and carbon are found in the albumen, carbon in the carbo-hydrates like sugar, starch and in the products incident to metamorphosis of organicnic substances. Phosphorus is contained in the lecithins and in the nucleins. The sulphnr of the albumen is oxidised by the oxygen of the inspired air, forming sulphuric acid which combine, with the bases of the carbonates, forming sulphates and setting free carbonic acid.


Blood, containing the material for every tissue and cell of the body, furnishes nutriment for every organ, enabling it to perform its individual function; thus it supplies every possible physiological want in the animal economy.

It does this by the transudation of a portion of its plasma into the surrounding tissues through the capillary walls, by which the losses sustained by the cells on account of tissue metamorphosis are made good. According to modem biological views, this pabulum is a material sui generis, catled irritable matter or protoplasm, and is the only living matter, and is universally diffused throughout the organism, of which it constitutes about one-fifth, the remaining four-fifths being organized and relatively, thefore, dead matter, In its physical charachter, it is nitrogenous, pulpy, structureless, semi-fluid, translucent, homogeneous, similar to that of the ganglionic nerves and to the gray, nervous matter. In this transuded fluid appear, fine granules, which unite to form germs from which, again, cells develop. By the union of these cells are formed the tissues of every kind needed for the upbuilding of the whole organism.

Two kinds of substances are needed in this process of tissue-building, and both are found in the blood-namely, the organic and the inorganic constituents. Among the former organic constituents are the sugar, fat and albuminous substances of the blood, serving as the physical basis of the tissues, while the water and salts -- namely, potash, lime, silica, iron, magnesium and sodium - are the inorganic substances, which are believed to determine the particular kind of cell to be built up other salts may from time to time be found, but the foregoing, however embrace all which are constantly present. Wherever then, in the animal organism, new cells are to be generated and formed, there must be present, in sufficient quantity and proper relation, both these organic and inorganic substances. By their presence in the blood, all the organs, viscera and tissues in the body are formed, fixed and made permanent in their functions, and a disturbance here causes disturbed function.


The principal inorganic materials of nerve-cells are Magnesia phos, Kali phos, Natrum and Ferrum. Muscle cells contain the same, with addition of Kali-mur. Connective tissue cells have for their specific substance Silica, while that of the etastic tissue-cells is probably Calcarea flour. In bone cells We have Calcarea fluor, and Magnesia phos and a large proportion of Calcarea phos. This latter is found in small quantities in the cells of muscle, nerve, brain and connective tissue. Cartilage and mucous cells have for their specific inorganic material Natrum mur. which is found also in all solid and fluid parts of the body. Hair and the crystalline lens contain among other inorganic substances, also Ferrum. The carbonates, as' such, are, according to Moleschott, without any influence in the process of cell-formation.


Health may be considered to be the state characterized by the normal cell metamorphosis; thus, when by means of digestion of food and drink, recompense is made to the blood for the losses it sustains by furnishing nutritive material to the tissues, this compensation is made in requisite quantities and in proper places, and no disturbance to the motion of the molecules occurs. Under these conditions alone will the building of new cells and the destruction of old ones proceed normally, and the elimination of useless materials be futhered.

Disease is the result of a disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the inorganic tissue salts. The cure consists in the restoration of the equilibrium of the molecular motion by furnishing a minimal dose of the same inorganic substance, since the molecules of the material thus used remedially fill the gap in the chain of molecules of the affected cell or tissue salt.

Virchow says that disease is an altered state of the cell, and hence the normal state of the cell constitutes health. The constitution of the cell is determined by the composition of its nutritive environment exactly as a plant thrives according to the quality of soil around its roots.

In agricultnrat chemistry we add as fertilizer that element most lacking in the soil. Bnt three essential substances used as fertilizers are required, namely, ammonia, phosphate of lime or potash. The other substances needful for plant nutrition are found in sufficient quantities in the soil. The same law of supplying a lack applies to biochemical remedies; for instance, take the following example:

A child suffering from rickets shows a lack of phosphate of lime in bones due to the disturbed molecular motion of the molecules of this salt. The quantity of phosphate of lime intended for the bones, but failing to reach its goal, would accumulate within the blood were it not excreted by the urine, for it is the office of the kidneys to maintain the proper composition of the blood, and, therefore, to cast out every foreign substance or surplus supply of any one constituent. Now after the normal molecular motion of the phosphate of lime molecules is again established within the involved nutritive soil by -administering small doses of the same salt, the surplus can again enter the general circulation and the cure of the rachitis be brought about.

Bacaan didalam Bahasa Malaysia boleh dirujuk di sini : http://www.medicine.ukm.my/wiki/index.php/SISTEM_PERUBATAN_BIOKIMIA_(GARAM_TISU_BIOKIMIA)

Every normal cell has the faculty of absorbing or rejecting certain substances. This property is diminished or suspended when the cell has suffered a loss in one of its salts in consequece of any irritation. As soon as this deficiency is made good by a supply of a homogeneous material from the immediate nutritive soil, the equilibrium is re-established. But if the supply is not offered spontaneously, it is to be assumed that the needful salt is lacking in quantity, or, on the other hand, that the diseased cell, have suffered a physical alteration besides which precludes the entrance of the required tissue salt. In such a case the salt must be offered in a more diluted state, that is, a higher trituration or attenuation.

If the altered cells regain their integrity by recovering their loss, they can again perform their normal functions, and bring about the removal by chemical processes of morbid products, exudations, etc. The biochemical therapeutics aids nature in her efforts to cure by supplying the natura remedies lacking in certain parts, that is, the inorganic cell salts, and in this way corrects abnormal states of physiological chemistry.

The aim of biochemistry is to cover a deficiency directly. All other methods of cure reach this goal indirectly, when they make use of remedial agents heterogeneous to the constituents of the human organism.